You can cancel account deletion by logging in within 15 days of requesting accounting deletion.
If you want to cancel account deletion, log in to the account and verify your email.
Play2Bit uses your email address as the account.
Please log in using your actual email address.
To protect your Play2Bit account, if you enter your password incorrectly 5 times, you cannot log in for 1 hour.
Please try again after some time, depending on the message you receive when attempting to login.
You cannot change the email address you use for your account.
You cannot change the nickname of an account.
You can set to prevent log in from abroad by going to ‘My Info > Account security > Block Overseas Login’ at Play2Bit’s webpage.
After blocking overseas log in, you can log in by going through security verification when logging in from abroad.
After authenticating your email through 'Reset password' on the login page of your Play2Bit account, you can set a new password.
*The password will be safe when you combine upper and lower case letters, numbers, and special characters in a way that was not used before.
*If you use proper nouns that everyone knows, or include things like your birthday or phone number, others may guess your password, making it unsafe.
You can request to delete your account via ‘My Info > Account Information’ at Play2Bit webpage.
After you delete the Play2Bit account, you cannot use service and provided by Play2Bit or its affiliates.
You can cancel the unsubscription for 15 days after requesting your unsubscription.
Your account and data will be deleted after 15 days.
(However, some data will be kept until the date set by law.)